Are whites’ melanomas as ugly as African American Slavery?

SPONSOR: “Let us remember that white people wouldn’t do right by blacks out of natural love, but only modified their treatment of us because of how their hatred made them look before the rest of the world,” asserts Black Hebrew Pagan, Yeshua Muhammad. “They wouldn’t demonstrate their pretense of treating black people with basic human […]

White superiority, the Bloody Albatross around their necks

SPECIAL FEATURE: White people hide from sun to protect so called ‘beauty’ White people’s self called superior skin is deteriorating before our very eyes.While they dismiss this as a result of too much sun exposure and unrelated to spirituality, we know otherwise: there is no such thing as too much sun exposure; and, Divinity no […]

“Mommy why does the sunlight burn?”

“Because, the sun is evil,” her mother answered. “Anyone who doesn’t burn in the sun worships Lucifer. For,” she smiled, “he is the dark angel from whence comes the dark and evil ultraviolet light.”